Unique online store in 24 hours

Build your website for e-commerce and adapt to fast-changing consumer desires with InLoya.com.

What is it?

One of the business digitalization solutions from InLoya.com, presented in the format of e-commerce, is the online store. Using the exclusive website of your company, an online store can help your customers purchase goods or services directly from everywhere in the world.

What does it include?

- Full branding

- Flexible payment settings

- Protection against fraudulent operations

- Sorting products by category

- Setting up the delivery rules


Simple and elegant template to easily navigate the website

Additional Benefits

The InLoya.com software allows you to monitor the activities of site users. You will have opportunities such as sending reminders, reporting abandoned basket, discounting certain promotional products, birthday congratulating and much more.

How it works?

Our platform will allow you to:

- Regulate the status of orders and operations for their execution

- Edit basic information in multiple languages


Add new and edit existing items without the need for in-deep knowledge in the IT field

- Determine the delivery type (pickup, courier)


Add "sliders" in high quality, with the ability to auto-switch

- And much more

Take a step towards the increase in revenue!